Journaling has long been a valuable spiritual practice within the Christian tradition, offering a personal and intimate way to deepen one’s relationship with God. Rooted in the biblical practice of reflection and prayer, journaling invites individuals to document their thoughts, prayers, struggles, and experiences, creating a tangible record of their spiritual journey. In this process, journaling becomes not just an act of writing, but a sacred space where one can engage with God’s presence, discover new insights, and grow in faith.
At its heart, Christian journaling is an opportunity for self-examination and reflection. It encourages us to pause and examine our thoughts, emotions, and actions in light of God’s Word. By putting pen to paper, we can process the day’s events, identify moments of grace, and recognize areas where we may need to seek forgiveness or healing. In this way, journaling becomes a tool for spiritual discernment, allowing us to notice God’s guidance in the ordinary and extraordinary moments of our lives.
Many Christians throughout history have used journaling to deepen their prayer lives. Spiritual giants such as St. Augustine, Thomas Merton, and John Wesley kept journals, using them to record their thoughts on scripture, personal struggles, and divine encounters. Journaling can be particularly helpful in prayer, serving as a form of written dialogue with God. It gives space for honest confession, thanksgiving, and petition, allowing us to express our hearts freely to our Creator.
In addition to these practices, Christian journaling offers a way to cultivate gratitude and attentiveness to God’s work in the world. Whether through reflecting on scripture, recording answered prayers, or simply writing about daily experiences, journaling helps us to see God’s presence in the details of our lives. Ultimately, it is an act of both listening and speaking—an invitation to open our hearts to God and to hear His voice more clearly.
The ‘Ora et labora’ journal exists to give you a place to chronicle your every day walk with the Lord. The joys, the sorrows, the frustrations and surprises. It is a place to quietly and gently reflect on your day and find the presence of God in it.
On every page you can find a daily examen box which poses the question “Where have you seen God today?”. You can find the daily lectionary readings to help you seek Him in His word and you can find the reference to the liturgical year at the top and bottom corner of each page to remind you that you are living alongside a community of believers around the world.
We have purposefully not included too many lines each day so the task of journaling doesn’t feel overwhelming and we have left them light enough for you to be creative with. Journaling is wonderfully free from rules and regulations and although there are many different approaches to journaling, it is between you and the Lord as to how you choose to fill these pages.
May each page you write upon bring you closer to Christ and more aware of the wonderful gift that is your life.