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The Liturgical Year 2024/2025

The liturgical or Church year is divided into seven seasons. It begins with Advent, which lasts for four weeks and looks forward to the season of Christmas. After the twelve days of Christmas, the visit of the wise men to Jesus is remembered at Epiphany, after which there is a  short period of Ordinary time. The six weeks of Lent prepare us for Easter, which celebrates Jesus’ resurrection from the dead, leading forward to his Ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church at Pentecost. Ordinary time then resumes until the end of the year. 

When we order our days around the liturgical season we are entering into an ancient practice of remembering and celebrating the life and work of Christ and His Church.

If the above liturgical wheel would be of use to you, your ministry or parish do reach out for a free high resolution copy without our logo.

Monastic Retreats