Six days to go! – Rule of Life
Our ‘Ora et Labora’ journal for Lent and Easter is available now!
This week I’m sharing on some of the features included so you can see if it is a good fit for you in this season of your life.
As part of this journal we have included a guide to help you create your own rule of life written by Br David Vryhof who is a monk at The Society of Saint John the Evangelist.
The purpose of a ‘Rule of life’ is to intentionally lay out the way you want to live your life.
- What is important to you?
- What are your values?
- How do you want to spend your time?
A Rule of Life is not only relevant to the monastic tradition (as evidenced in St Benedict’s rule): the principles can be used by anyone who is concerned about how they live their lives and then provide markers and guidelines, inspired by the Spirit, to help them on their journey towards God and discipleship.
Br David’s simple approach to composing a rule of life explores your
- Relationship with God and the Church
- Relationship with others
- Relationship with Self
- Stewardship of Resources
For each section he poses pertinent questions and you are given space to journal and reflect on them before you have the opportunity to compose your own rule of life. It is my prayer that this gentle approach will help you to find a sustainable and nourishing pace of life which helps you to fully live the life God has given you.
If you would like a more in-depth approach to writing your own rule of life we are currently working through a six week course together which you can find here.