Revitalized by the Spirit
Daily life can be very fraught. We have the daily responsibilities of life at work, getting the children to school ferrying them around, then when we get home the bills to sort out, the garden to keep up, the house to clean. Then there are the church tasks that are rightly important to us, so that if we don’t manage to achieve them we feel guilty. We have family responsibilities, maybe ageing parents to consider. Aunts and cousins and their problems. We have friendship responsibilities, colleagues at work, neighbours. So it goes on. How can I cope with it all?
Satan constantly wants to discourage us and drag us down. At times he does a pretty good job. When we are exhausted and feeling down look at Romans 8:11 “And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead, will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit, who lives in you.”
Our bodies have limitations and there is nothing we can do about it. It is why we get tired. But when we need that extra strength to keep going this verse promises that the Holy Spirit will give life to your mortal bodies. The literal meaning is that the Holy Spirit will make alive with life our mortal bodies. The idea is of revitalizing, rejuvenating, refreshing with new life.
If you surrender to the Holy Spirit living within us. He will supernaturally revitalize you. Refresh you with new life and energy. He will fill you with resurrection power so you can get up and go again.
Lord I feel exhausted, please help me to yield to the Holy Spirit in me. Strengthen, refresh and rejuvenate me today that I might live in your power.