Now you can download the ‘Ora et Labora’ liturgical journal as a PDF and upload onto Goodnotes, etc. to access your journal on your tablet.
Throughout the rule of St Benedict, the great Abbott reminds his monks of the constant relationship between work and prayer. This reminder that our work and prayer are intrinsically intertwined is one which can so easily be forgotten in this modern age. We rush from one thing to another, seemingly separating the sacred and the secular.
We have titled our liturgical journal ‘Ora et labora’ the Latin term for ‘Prayer and Work’ because St Benedict taught that there is an essential balance to life and that we draw strength from our connection with God in our prayers that is made manifest in the world through our work.
It is our hope and prayer that as you use this journal you will find your work life empowered by your prayers and your prayer life inspired by your work. My prayer over each page as I have designed this journal is that through this offering you will be able to slow down and find the presence of God in the wonderful gift of your life.
The print copy is available here.
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