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Power to Witness

The Roman world of Jesus and Paul was one in which it was believed that the actions of gods in the heavens above affected the earth below. So that if Zeus got angry, thunderbolts shot out. What happened in the heavens affected the earth below. 

Jesus, sometimes turned that around.  He taught as on earth so in heaven. 
For example: A believer prays, and heaven responds. A sinner repents, and the angels rejoice. A mission succeeds, and God is glorified. A believer rebels, and the Holy Spirit is grieved.

I am sure we know these things are true, but we can very easily forget them. Do we realize how much our prayers matter to God?  Do we forget that the choices I make today will either bring delight or grief to the Lord of the universe. Do we constantly remember that we are helping our neighbors to their eternal destinations. The exciting Good-News message of God’s love that Jesus showed us, taught us and brought us, is the message  we can now bring to others.

That was the challenge Jesus gave His disciples before ascending to His Father – Matt. 28:18-20. It is not easy – and we often struggle. But before he left Jesus told His disciples that He would send His Spirit and they would be clothed with power from on high. Luke 24:49. He did not leave us alone. He fills us with His power that we might touch lives here below to
affect eternity. 

Lord fill me to overflowing with your Spirit every day that I might be a witness to my friends and neighbours of what you have done.


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