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Power to change the world

We don’t like to admit it but Christianity may have proved to be a disappointment. Our coming to Jesus was genuine but there did not follow a radical transformation. Our life then is like a jigsaw with lots of pieces missing. This is life without the Holy Spirit.

The fear and cowardice that characterised the disciples was wonderfully changed when the Holy Spirit was poured out at Pentecost. The group of 120 in that Upper room were frightened defeated men and women. But in a few moments the Holy Spirit had poured into them a spiritual power and energy that turned them into those who would go and turn the world upside down.

Dr. A.W.Tozer wrote in his book Paths to Power:-

“ The Church began in power, moved in power, and moved just as long as she had power. When she no longer had power, she dug in for safety and sought to conserve her gains.”

We must try and avoid that same trap. How Satan rejoices when we push to one side the power of the Holy Spirit and rely instead on our own strength and wisdom.

Today’s question: Is my life mostly lived by my strength and wisdom or by the power of the Holy Spirit?

It is clear we cannot live for God on our own. The good news is the bible tells us that we don’t have to. In fact we are supposed to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Have we reached this point yet?

“In the last days God says I will pour out my Spirit on all people… Even on my servants both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will prophesy.” Acts 2:17-18

Dear Lord help me to step out in faith and realise afresh the power of the Holy Spirit at work in my life.

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