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Week Three: Day 6 – Life in Christ is Holistic

It is often the case when any of us are attempting to form or to grow or to realize anew a Rule of Life that there may be a temptation to think only in “spiritual” terms. And this would be very wrong because the truth of it is that a life in Christ is holistic. It is body, mind and spirit being integrated and brought into one by God’s love. There is nothing about us – in our physical desires, our physical enjoyment, the creativity or those things which stimulate our minds and imaginations – that does not belong as a part of a Rule of Life. To be named perhaps: What are your pastimes? What are your hobbies? What are your ways of finding exercise? What are your ways of finding relationship with others? It might be – as one of my directeees at one time incorporated into a Rule of life – English country dancing. It was to use the body, not to do difficult exercise, but to express joy in the company of others. It is to be whole.

Another aspect might be in some way or another to make music, or to go away entirely from pursuits that have anything to do with “religion” and immerse oneself in art or in the sciences. All of these aspects are part of our maintaining our health and creativity. We must let the heart open up and imagine these things. Make affirmations rather than prescriptions in our Rule of Life. Live wholly in God’s love – that is the way to bring body, mind and spirit into life through a Rule of Life.

– Br. Jonathan Maury

Question to Journal
How might your mind and body need to be nurtured?

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