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The Lectionary

Every day in our Ora et Labora journal we include the daily readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.

The liturgical seasons of Lent, Holy Week, and Easter invite us into a profound journey of reflection, repentance, suffering, and resurrection. As we walk through these sacred days, the Revised Common Lectionary (RCL) provides a structured framework of Scripture readings that guide our worship, reflection, and spiritual formation. Each week, the Lectionary offers us passages from the Old and New Testaments, Psalms, and Gospels that illuminate the themes of the season and deepen our understanding of God’s redemptive work through Christ.

Lent is a season of preparation—an invitation to examine our lives, repent of our sins, and turn toward God in prayer and renewal. Beginning with the solemnity of Ash Wednesday, the Lectionary readings for Lent invite us to reflect on humanity’s brokenness and God’s call to repentance and restoration. From the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness to the profound encounters of Christ with sinners and seekers, these Scriptures encourage us to enter the wilderness of our own hearts in search of transformation.

Holy Week brings us to the heart of the Christian story—the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. From Palm Sunday’s triumphant entry to the betrayal, trial, and crucifixion on Good Friday, the readings in Holy Week remind us of the depths of God’s love and the cost of salvation. As we approach Easter, the Scriptures speak of Christ’s victory over sin and death, offering us the hope of resurrection and new life in Him.

Easter is the season of joy and celebration, where the Lectionary readings proclaim the reality of the risen Christ and the hope we have through His resurrection. Each reading invites us into the mystery of new life—both the historical event of Christ’s resurrection and the ongoing reality of transformation in the lives of believers. As we continue the journey of Easter, the Scriptures encourage us to live as witnesses to this life-changing truth, bearing fruit as branches of the true Vine, and extending God’s love and grace to the world.

Through these readings, we are not only invited to walk with Christ through His suffering and glory but to engage more deeply with the eternal truths of the Gospel. Each passage is an opportunity to reflect, to pray, and to grow in our faith. As we engage with the Scriptures over the next several weeks, may they draw us into a deeper encounter with God and a greater understanding of the hope we have in Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.

Monastic Retreats