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Walking with Jesus: Celebrating the love of Christ on Valentine’s Day

This event has ended

Our quiet days called Walking with Jesus follow a pattern of a morning walk in the Kentish countryside around the St Benedict’s Centre.  This gives us an opportunity to notice God’s presence in creation whatever the season and we will have some words of Scripture to meditate on as we walk.  Walking in February may require warm wrappings and mudproof footwear but it will also offer the chance to stretch our legs and breathe fresh air in company with others.  After our walk participants return to the Centre for lunch together (please bring a packed lunch) and  an afternoon of reflections led by lay minister Jan Foreman.  Our reflections this month will be around the love of Christ – this “love that surpasses knowledge” – and the day will end with an act of corporate worship.

The cost for the day will be £25.  Please meet at the Centre from 9.30am for refreshments before the walk starts at 10.00am.  The day will end at 3pm.  Tea and coffee will be available all day but please bring a packed lunch.

Monastic Retreats