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The Silence of Presence:Awakening our Subtle Senses

“It may happen during prayer, or even when we are engaged in our everyday activities, that a sudden hush falls upon us, an involuntary silencing of thought, as the mind’s powers are caught and held in an inexplicable sense of presence,” writes the Carmelite Mary McCormack.

The Lenten season echoes the experience of Jesus in the desert, a time of profound communion with God. Like Jesus’ time in the wilderness, Lent reminds us to simplify our lives, creating space for deeper awareness, for the whispers of grace within us, which we might otherwise overlook.

Fasting, a traditional Lenten practice, is not just about physical abstinence but also about abstinence from distraction. As we strip away excess, our senses become more finely tuned to the sacred in the ordinary.

We are delighted to offer a day of extended meditation practice during Lent to explore the themes of silence and awakening our subtle senses to the presence of God. 

A gentle flow of sitting meditation, walking meditation, and moments of shared conversation will be central to the day.

We will begin with a 15-minute orientation talk and reminder of the simple guidelines for meditation (silent prayer). Then, to support our meditation practice and appreciation of the beautiful grounds of the Abbey, two further short talks will be offered—one in the morning and one in the afternoon—connecting the practice with the opportunity which Lent offers us in our journey of awakening

Online | Sat 1 Mar | 10-5 | £30
Book Here

Monastic Retreats