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The Life Journey Map Workshop….time to stop…look… listen:

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Led by Elizabeth Elliott

As an experienced life coach, Elizabeth has coached people, young and older for 20 years towards clearer direction and enriched lives, with a heart for embracing both life’s joys and brokenness ….. having lived through depression….  she discovered the hidden treasures which proved to be a lifechanging adventure.

The day will provide a tool for seekers on life’s journey…..and provide a fresh look at life so far…this will include a look at:  living from gratitude for all the good and happy,  facing and making use of trials and setbacks and learning from both carefree and sadder times.

You will receive encouraging support as you stop, look and listen; chances to hear and learn from others’ stories; your own created life journey map to treasure.

Cost: £30 per person – includes refreshments, please bring a packed lunch

Monastic Retreats