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The Franciscan Repair Shop

‘The mission of St Francis began in response to the call ‘Repair my House’ which he heard in the tumbled-down church of San Damiano outside the walls of Assisi. However, it soon led him with his brothers and sisters to join in a much larger project – that of God’s ‘Repair Shop’ – through which individual lives, the life of the Church, and the life of communities were repaired, renewed and transformed.

In this weekend, led by Br Samuel and members of the Hilfield Community, we will be looking at how ‘God’s Repair Shop’ is active today through community and through creation. We’ll be reflecting on our own call to join the Repair Shop and on how, through it, we ourselves discover renewal and transformation’.

The suggested donation for the weekend is £160 to include all food and accommodation. 

Monastic Retreats