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The Celtic Wheel

The Celtic Wheel – Spring balance and blooming: 22nd – 28th March 2025
3 or 6 night stays available, 3 night stays begin on Saturday 22nd or Tuesday 25th.

What aspects of your life are still in need of the gifts of winter stillness, and which areas are ready to bloom with new energy this spring?

An Isle of Iona spring includes stretching evening light, blossoming of daffodils and crocuses while the ground is soft and often squelchy underfoot!  In the Celtic calendar, spring is a time for discerning what continues to need the gifts of winter stillness and what is ready to open with newness or renewed energy.  

We will interweave these spiritual themes with the wisdom of some saints of the season:  St. Patrick and St. Brigid.  

Led by Iona Abbey Programme staff


6 Nights: £792 per adult, £396 for reduced rate – see our programme page for more information,

3 Nights: £396 per adult, £198 for reduced rate,

Monastic Retreats