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The Celtic Wheel

The Celtic Wheel – holy darkness and honouring our ancestors: 25th – 31st October 20253 or 6 night stays available, 3 night stays begin on Saturday 25th or Tuesday 28th.

Celtic spirituality reveals thin times and thin spaces throughout the wheel of the year.  

As the harvest ends and the nights extend, nature offers us space within our spiritual landscape to explore the gifts of this threshold time.  The Celtic season of Samhain corresponds with the Christian celebration of All Souls and All Saints, when we remember those who have died. In ancient Celtic wisdom this was a “thin time of year“ when the line between the physical and spiritual world was slight.  

Come to the “thin place“ of Iona in October to recharge and explore the themes of this mysterious, powerful season.  

‘We remember them in the rising moon 

We remember them in the mourning dove 

When the waters rush upon the shore 

We remember them, singing ever more 

And they, too, shall live 

As they are woven into us.’ 

by Trish Bruxvoort Colligan

Programme leaders: 

Led by Iona Abbey Programme Team. 


6 Nights: £792 per adult, £396 for reduced rate – see our programme page for more information.

Monastic Retreats