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Superpower your Climate Action

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Superpower your Climate Action 17th – 23rd August 2024.

Do you need recharged in your climate action?
Superpower your climate action on Iona!

This week will be facilitated by Val King, Melanie Nazareth and Mitzi Jonelle Tan. Come along and superpower your action on the climate crisis in your local neighbourhood, charity, church, NGO, or company.

Come and learn how to move from climate anxiety to effective action, embracing your vision of a world transformed. Make common cause and connection with others galvanising change around environmental issues and climate justice. Recharge your spirit amidst the ancient rocks, white sands and vibrant colours of this spectacular island. Discover what you are being called to do in the face of the climate emergency.


Melanie Nazareth
Melanie Nazareth

Melanie Nazareth is mother to four young adults who face the challenges of living in our climate changed world. Of Indian origin, she was born in Kenya, and spent much of her childhood in the Solomon Islands in the Western Pacific. Her links to these places fuel a deepening commitment to working for climate justice. This journey has led her from a career as a lawyer to studying theology, ecology and ethics, and to activism with Christian Climate Action and Extinction Rebellion.

Val King
Val King

Val King is involved in various climate action groups.Val is a longstanding member of Christian Climate Action and Co-ordinator for CCA Scotland. She came from a leadership role in the business world to owning a 70 acre farm near Stirling, which she and her husband Pete are rewilding. They’re both on a steep learning curve! Val is committed to a life of action and contemplation and gets involved in numerous climate groups; she also enjoys going on retreats to provide balance to her life.

Mitzi Jonelle
Mitzi Jonelle Tan Credit:

Mitzi Jonelle Tan is a full-time climate justice activist based in Metro Manila, Philippines. She is the convenor and international spokesperson of Youth Advocates for Climate Action Philippines (YACAP), the Fridays For Future (FFF) of the Philippines. Mitzi makes sure that voices from the Global South are heard, amplified, and given space. A strong voice on anti-imperialism, anti-colonization, and the intersectionality of the climate crisis, she is committed to changing the system and building a world that prioritizes people and planet, not profit, through collective action.

Monastic Retreats