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Spiritual Voices and Spiritual Struggles – Mental health and Christian spirituality

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Christian spirituality is concerned with relationship with God and others, but these relationships are impacted by mental health and wellbeing, and involve discernment of inner voices and experiences of what it means to hear God. Sometimes it can feel as though it is a struggle to make sense of it all – even that we are struggling with God. Drawing on some of the themes of his recent book, Struggling with God, written jointly with John Swinton and Isabelle Hamley, Revd Prof Chris Cook will explore some of these struggles in relation to Christian pastoral ministry, and will give space for reflection and discussion of pastoral work of those participating. The day will be suitable for all involved in pastoral work in Christian churches, lay or ordained.

Chris Cook is Emeritus Professor in Spirituality, Theology & Health at Durham University, chair of the Spirituality & Psychiatry Special Interest Group at the Royal College of Psychiatrists, and Honorary Chaplain for Tees, Esk & Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. He was awarded the Canterbury Cross by the Archbishop of Canterbury in 2020 for his work on theology and psychiatry, and the Oskar Pfister Award by the American Psychiatric Association in 2021 for his work on religion and psychiatry. His books include Christians Hearing Voices (2020), and (with Isabelle Hamley & John Swinton) Struggling with God (2023).

This event is organised in association with Rochester Diocese Spirituality Network.  

Join us at 9.30 for a 10am start, the day ends at 3pm. Hot drinks and biscuits are provided; please bring your own lunch.  There is no fixed charge for the day but a suggested donation of £15-£25.

To book:

Monastic Retreats