Reconnecting to the Sacred in Nature
Hilfield Friary
Hilfield, Dorchester, Dorset, DT2 7BE
“Reconnecting to sacred nature 1” is a retreat running at Hilfield Friary on Friday 9th (from 12pm) to Sunday 11th (3pm) May 2024 geared at those of different spiritual traditions and none enquiring into the sacredness of nature in the midst of the ecological crisis.
The retreat has four aims:
1 To help participants develop a deeper connection to and love for the beauty awe and sacredness of nature.
2 To honestly face the environmental crisis with hope, courage and a sense of personal agency.
3 Become part of a wider movement for positive, regenerative change in our society
4 Learn to know, honour and protect mother earth, allowing all life to flourish.
The retreat will immerse participants in the beauty of creation in the Dorset countryside – slowing us down to nature pace.
Providing time for reflection, meditation and stillness inspired by nature. It will draw upon the philosophies and writings of different world spiritual traditions, the principles of Joanna Macy’s book “Active Hope”, as well as earth sciences and evolutionary biology.
The cost per person for three days, two nights and all meals is £260 (including VAT).
To secure your booking a £100 deposit (including VAT) (non-refundable and non-transferable) is required at the time of booking.
To book a place on the retreat please contact Mike Mullins at
Mobile: 07973 642 875