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Quiet Day – Walk the Labyrinth

We live in our bodies but as prisoner or free agent in the spirit?

Come and step out of your day and explore where you are at in your every day by walking the labyrinth.

  • An ancient healing experience for many.
  • An opportunity to slow down and reflect on your NOW in body mind and spirit.
  • A sacred window as you explore further who you are.

Martin Garsed is a retired medical doctor, having been a GP, psychotherapist and palliative care physician.  He is a trained spiritual director in the context of Franciscan spirituality and is active in the prayer and healing ministry in the Anglican Church.  Martin uses the labyrinth as a prayer and healing tool and experience. He has given Labyrinth presentations in Churches and other settings. “It always amazes me how this experience can be so special for many people in different ways according to their life situation and spiritual journey.”

We hope to use the labyrinth in the grounds of St Benedicts if the weather is clement but Martin also uses an indoor labyrinth so the day is not weather dependent.

The cost for the day will be £25.  Refreshments will be available from 9.30am and the day will start at 10.00am.  The day will end at 3pm.  Tea and coffee will be available all day but please bring a packed lunch.

Monastic Retreats