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Quiet Day – Coming Home with Richard Carter

We live in a world increasingly subject to anxiety where many fear the future and where our lives can feel overwhelmed by uncertainty and the suffering and conflicts of the world. This quiet day seeks Christ at the very centre of the storms that confront us. We will reflect on how our faith, rather than being an escape from the world, can centre us and lead us home. We will explore how a simple rule of life – like that of St Benedict –  far from being an extra burden, helps to centre our lives, rediscover our trust, and provides the trellis through which we grow.

Richard Carter is Associate Vicar for Mission at St Martin-in-the-Fields in Trafalgar Square. His ministry includes working closely with those who are homeless, and refugees and pastoral care of the many people who come through the doors of the church on the edge of London’s most public square. He is the founder and leader of the Nazareth Community whose members gather from everyday life to seek God in contemplation and to learn to live generously and compassionately, learning from the diversity of all those they welcome. Richard leads many retreats and quiet days and is a frequent presenter of Radio 4’s Daily Service.  He is the author of The City is My Monastery: A Contemporary Rule of Life and most recently Letters from Nazareth: A Contemplative Journey Home.

The cost for the day will be £25.  Refreshments will be available from 9.30am and the day will start at 10.00am.  The day will end at 3pm.  Tea and coffee will be available all day but please bring a packed lunch.

Monastic Retreats