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Living Presence

This event has ended

Led by Jill Benet

‘Silence moves into stillness and stillness morphs into Presence.’ Thomas Keating

Join a small community for a weekend of prayer and practice, and reconnect with the Presence which surpasses all understanding – a Presence that we find missing and yet, at the deepest root of our self, is always there and always new.

This weekend is a time to refresh your practice of Centering Prayer and supporting practices and to find the place of stillness from which all movement arises.

It will include extended periods of Centering Prayer and silence, some input and a chance to share and to ask questions in the group or one to one with the retreat leader.

Arrive in time for supper at 7pm on Friday and depart by 4pm on Sunday.


Ensuite: £240

Standard: £220

Jill is the London Co-ordinator of Contemplative Outreach, founded to teach the method of Centering Prayer and to support Centering Prayer groups and communities. She is a co-founder of the Silence in the City series of talks on the contemplative life, and has organised and assisted retreats led by Cynthia Bourgeault and Richard Rohr, among others. Jill leads groups, Introductory Days, Quiet Days and retreats. She is a trained teacher and guide of Inner Relationship Focusing. She is interested in how we can embody and live our prayer into life and discover the release, fulfilment and joy of this process.  

To book or for more information, contact the Administrator by e-mail or use our contact form.

Monastic Retreats