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Rest and Resistance

LGBTQ+ Week 31st August – 6th September 2024

A week of creative activities, peaceful spaces and workshop/sharing times to enable LGBTQ+ people and our allies to find space for both rest and resistance in a time of change and division. The week will include optional craftivism projects, multi-sensory prayer and worship, outdoor activities, movement and writing, enabling a time of learning, growing and caring for each-other.

Facilitated by Alex and Jo Clare-Young. 

Jo Clare-Young
Jo Clare-Young
Alex Clare-Young stands with trees in the background
Alex Clare-Young

My name is Jo (she/her), I am bi and I am a member of the LGBTQIA+ CCN. I am a keen storyteller and enjoy exploring faith creatively and artistically as well as in words. I am a URC minister and the Mission and training officer for Eastern Synod of the URC, which means I get to do all sorts of exciting things. And my name is Alex (just my name or they/them). I am a trans and genderqueer person and one of the co-moderators of the LGBTQIA+ CCN. I am a writer, artist and activist as well as being a URC minister and enjoy finding ways to do things differently. We are looking forward to some space and time for solidarity, rest, self-care, action and creativity during the week.


6 Nights: £762 per adult, £381 for reduced rate – see our programme page for more information.

Monastic Retreats