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Lent Reflection – Truth Decay with Bishop Simon and Mother Anne

The St Benedict’s Centre is pleased to give advance notice of two reflective days, either side of Easter, charting the ubiquitous influence of the internet and electronic social media on how we live, and exploring ways in which Christianity can help us live wisely and well.

Bishop Simon is the Bishop of Tonbridge. He is well known for a longstanding ability to relate faith to issues of contemporary culture. In the Summer of 2024 he spent a sabbatical reflecting on the influence of a digitally networked world on faith and society, and in the first of these reflective days he will share the fruit of his thinking.

Mother Anne is the Abbess of Malling Abbey. She has a PhD in computer science from Cambridge University and worked for 25 years in the hi-tech world of ‘Silicon Fen’. She was involved in early experiments with social media but became disillusioned with the idea that more technology was always a good thing. Eventually she followed God’s call to live a life of prayer in the monastic community of Malling Abbey. In the second reflective day she will lead participants in Lectio Divina, an ancient Christian practice enabling us to read the Bible with our whole being.

Truth Decay: how the biggest social experiment in history turned sour

Tuesday 8 April 10am – 3pm

Bishop Simon explores how Silicon Valley’s promise of a new networked world is being built on sand, not rock, and what this means for those who want to follow Jesus.

Monastic Retreats