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Interfaith Week 2024

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Image: Faith Leaders at Interfaith Week 2022. Credit: Iona Community/ D. Coleman

Interfaith Week 14th – 20th September 2024.

A week to celebrate co-operation and deepen friendship and understanding between faiths with a focus on caring for and listening to Creation.

Caring for Creation is a key message in the scriptures of all faith traditions. In this interfaith week we will explore what different faiths have to say about respect for all life, and the careful and responsible protection and preservation of the earth’s resources. We will look at the actions different faith communities are taking in response to the climate crisis and – weather-permitting – we will engage in some nature-based activities during the course of the week.

Interfaith Week will be facilitated by Maureen Sier, Director, and Frances Hume, National Development Officer, Interfaith Scotland, Zarina Ahmad, climate activist based in Manchester, and Caro Penney, Abbey Warden and Moderator of the Iona Community’s Interfaith Relations Common Concern Network.


6 Nights: £762 per adult, £381 for reduced rate – see our programme page for more information.

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