Finding Stillness
Worth Abbey
Paddockhurst Road, Turners Hill, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 4SB
‘Be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46). Come to Worth Abbey and encounter this refreshing and empowering stillness. Through the Benedictine tradition, discover how stillness can be part of your everyday life and how transformative it can be. The retreat will include teachings in Lectio Divina and stilling the mind as well as an opportunity to have a 1:1 meeting with a member of the monastic community.
More Detail:
The retreat is designed to help anyone who wants to explore silence and stillness as a way of prayer. It also explores the ‘spiritual life’ and the journey of finding your true identity in the person of Christ. Fr Peter, who facilitates this retreat, draws on his experience as someone who has meditated for 30 years and lived according to the teaching of St Benedict.
Retreat Dynamics:
All our retreats are run along Benedictine principles with a balance between: prayer and work,silence and talking, and being alone and being in community. To do this we use the monastic rhythm of the day defined by the structure of the monastic services, along with the regular meal-times this establishes a balanced and healthy environment from which good reflection
and discernment can happen.
What should my expectations be?
The retreat will include:
A time for monastic services and Mass (once a day);
A time for silence;
A time for practising Lectio Divina (sacred reading);
A time for listening to reflections;
A time for discussion and asking questions.
In the afternoon there will be:
A time to have space for myself;
A time to walk in the Sussex countryside;
A time to have a 1:1 with a monk (if you wish).
Our hopes for the Retreat:
You will leave feeling:
That you have connected with God in some meaningful way;
Rested and refreshed with a sense of joy and hope;
You will want to return at some stage in the future.
COST: £330 per person, single occupancy (3 nights)