Cynthia Bourgeault and the Wisdom Tradition
St Benedict's Centre - Malling Abbey
52 Swan Street, West Malling Kent, ME19 6JX
Cynthia Bourgeault is a retreat leader, modern day mystic and episcopal priest in the USA who is at the heart of a growing network of wisdom seekers.
She says: ‘Wisdom is not about knowing more but about knowing more deeply, knowing with more of yourself involved. It is at the root of all spiritual traditions and can be recognized by compassionate intelligence and an alert, present-moment awareness.’
Her teaching draws on the Christian mystical tradition, particularly as lived in the Benedictine monastic tradition, and the practical training in mindfulness and non-identification as set out in the Gurdjieff Work.
Fr William Taylor will introduce you to some of her teaching and Mother Ann OSB will share embodiment practices that she has developed through her own journey with Centering Prayer and Qi Gong, and which she now lives out in monastic life.
Join us at 9.30 for a 10am start, the day ends at 3pm. Cost for the day is £25.00 (pay on the day) which includes hot drinks and biscuits; please bring your own lunch.
To book: