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Catholicism Study Morning about Fulton J. Sheen, the Communicator

This event has ended

Members of the public of all faiths and none are invited to learn about Fulton J. Sheen, the Communicator on Saturday 15 February 2025.


The Study Morning will take place at the Roman Catholic Benedictine monastery of St Augustine’s Abbey, Chilworth near Guildford. Fr John Seddon OSB, resident Benedictine monk at the monastery, will show Bishop Barron’s video on Catholicism’s Pivotal Players and then lead the discussion about it afterwards.

Members of the public attending need no prior knowledge, do not have to be Catholic and don’t have to contribute anything in discussion if they prefer. Optional holy Roman Catholic Mass is at 9am in the Abbey Church. Then, we meet in the Assisi Room at the rear of the monastery for a Video and Talk from 10.30am-12.20pm.

Refreshments will be freely available. Bring a friend if possible.

The Study Morning is free to attend, however a charge of £10 per person is being charged for refreshments and room hire.  ONLY 30 SPACES: ADVANCE BOOKING STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. 

More about Bishop Fulton J. Sheen, the Communicator: We all know and experience daily how powerful the influence mass media is on forming public opinion. Long before the Internet and social media made that influence overwhelming, Fulton Sheen pioneered the use of the media to preach the Gospel through television and radio. As a result he regularly reached upwards of 30 million people a week. Sheen communicated the Faith clearly and persuasively, inspiring all the media evangelists of today. This episode of Pivotal Players will take us to Peoria, Illinois; New York and Washington, D.C. and all the locations associated with Fulton Sheen, revealing his way of forming the life of the Church. 

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