Becoming Places of Peace:One-day Christian Meditation retreat
All-day event
We are faced with so much that makes peace seem almost impossible to imagine. Conflict is increasing across the world. There is a great sense of distance between ourselves and the ‘other’. Our planet is on the brink of irreversible ecological disaster. We are more stressed, distracted and fearful than ever.
These global crises are also global symptoms – symptoms of our alienation from our true nature, from the silent land of Peace within us, from our common home in God.
As a direct, practical response to circumstances that call for greater peace, each of us can commit to the quiet, steady, work of establishing greater peace in ourselves. This is perhaps the most important thing we can do. Everyone around us will benefit.
But how can we do this?
At the heart of Christianity is an ancient form of meditation that can change a person and change the world. Yet, few people know about this simple and transformative way of silent prayer.
Through a flow of short talks, meditation practice and conversation we’ll look at how:
- our noisy, distracted minds create the illusion that we are separate from God, each other and the world
- meditation can help us overcome this illusion and cultivate a more compassionate life, rooted in awareness of the oneness of being
- as we are restored to ourselves, we are restored to each other
- each of us can be places of peace in the world.
London | Sat 5 April | 10-5 | £35
More information and book here.