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The Cloister – Celtic Advent (Part Two)

Episode Two

Introducing Brother Cassian (David Cole) 

David Cassian Cole, or Brother Cassian, is the Founder and Executive Director of Waymark Ministries CIC. He is an international spiritual teacher and retreat leader; he has lectured in Christian and Bible Colleges; he is an award winning author of seven books including Celtic LentCeltic AdventThe Celtic Year and Celtic Saints for BRF. He is the UK ‘Deputy Guardian’ for The Community of Aidan and Hilda – a globally dispersed Celtic New Monastic Community.

Books mentioned in this episode

The Practice of the Presence

“Everything is possible for those who believe, even more for those who hope, still more for those who love, and most of all for those who practice and persevere in these three powerful paths.”

Since it was first published in its pocket-size 1692 edition, Brother Lawrence’s spiritual classic has remained in print, beloved by people of varying spiritual paths and religious traditions. With this new translation, award-winning translator Carmen Acevedo Butcher frees it from its centuries-long prison of dogmatic, binary language and brings fresh, inclusive treatment that readers are sure to find transformational. Brother Lawrence’s years as a humble kitchen worker at a monastery, often remaining in the shadows of his community, gave way to a spiritual life that was profound. Poor, living with a disability, lacking a formal education, enduring a time of plague and civil unrest, he found God in the depths of his soul, experiencing God’s loving presence throughout the day. His personal struggles and life-tested spiritual wisdom will resonate with contemporary readers as he invites us into a practice of Presence that is both accessible and deeply transformative.

For the first time, Brother Lawrence’s work is translated by Carmen Acevedo Butcher, a woman of color and a renowned scholar of medieval texts, who creates a dynamic, faithful translation for a new generation of readers.

Watch the full teaching here

Monastic Retreats