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Author: Graham Stevens

Power to change the world

We don’t like to admit it but Christianity may have proved to be a disappointment. Our coming to Jesus was genuine but there did not follow a radical transformation. Our life then is a like a jigsaw with lots of pieces missing. This is life without the Holy Spirit.

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Removing Fear

I guess if we are honest with ourselves we all probably have a fear of one kind or another. Snakes, spiders or things that go bump in the night, small spaces, water etc. It is often the unknown that holds us in its grip and we can be gripped by the fear of someone who is so above and beyond our understanding. This can be true of the Holy Spirit

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Are you thirsty?

In my years as a church leader I found that the Holy Spirit was often the person of the trinity who people found the hardest to understand and relate to. I found that some loving, committed and faithful Christians had even become fearful of the Holy Spirit and his work and ministry in our lives.

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Monastic Retreats